Friday, December 7, 2012

Mini Lesson: Conclusion

Hello, team! I figured I would provide y'all with the Conclusion notes, just in case you were absent in class (or take sloppy notes!):

In your Concluding paragraph, you should do the following:

1. Reiterate or summarize your thesis/main point
2. Explain why the ideas you presented are important or necessary when you consider Douglass's purpose or audience.

Some advice: You chose your examples. You chose the rhetorical devices you discussed in your essay. You chose how the paper would be organized (the order and presentation of ideas). Most importantly, you chose your thesis statement and the general topics to focus on. Your paper is original and very much a reflection of your own experience with the narrative. Your conclusion, therefore, should address why your paper accurately represents what Douglass was trying to accomplish by writing this slave narrative.

HW: First draft complete by Monday, typed!

Side Note: To the students who feel lost, confused, or even a little unsure with any aspect of this essay, I've been making myself available during lunch so I can address your concerns. We are reaching the due date for this assignment, and it would be in your best interest to set up a conference with me if you're struggling. 

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