Monday, May 13, 2013

Prezi's From Class

For those of you who want to play the home edition of Find That Evidence, I've supplied the links to the prezis. On a serious note, you may find them helpful if you're stuck with your presentation (or a paper/project down the road!)

Prezis (click on title of the story):

"Interpreter of Maladies"

"Two Kinds"

"Sonny's Blues"

"What You Pawn I Will Redeem"

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Moxie Monday

Moxie...such a good word! (it means spirited, especially in the face of adversity, and I don't know about you, but Monday offers me its fair share of challenges)

Okay, let's take a moment to reflect on how the concept of outsiders is shaping up or changing for you.

Having read two stories that deal with this subject to some extent, what can you say about outsiders? Has anything changed for you since we first explored this question? Has the definition of outsiders expanded to mean something you didn't think of before? Okay. Write. I've got some papers to hand back.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Files That May Be Useful To You

 I give very detailed assignment descriptions because I want the expectations of the assigment to be clear. I'm beginning  to think (okay, maybe not "beginning") people are not reading them very carefully, since I'm receiving a great deal  of questions that are right there in the assignment descriptions.

So, I got to thinking. We live in a digital age. Maybe you lost the paper copies? So, follow the link to my school webpage for digital copies of the journal assignment and the presentation assignment. Click here.


Mr. B.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Prompts for ALL short stories

Hi there, folks. I've decided to put all the prompts for the unit in one place for you. As a reminder, journal entries are due on Fridays. As long as you have read the story, you can write about it, which means each week, you'll have a choice between two stories to write on.

Here are all the prompts. I encourage you to read all of them, even if you haven't read the story yet. It'll give you something to pay attention to while reading

"Two Kinds”

Prompt: Who am I? Whether you directly ask yourself that question or not, there’s a good chance you think about your identity in every situation you find yourself in—in the snackatorium*: who am I—with your family: who am I—at your job: who am I, and the list goes on and on. Think about all things that make you who you are: your personality, other people’s expectations, who you actually want to become, your culture, your family’s social class, etc.   Do you think everyone has the choice to be whatever they want to be in life, or are there certain realities that prevent this from happening for some people, or even all people? Be sure to discuss “Two Kinds” in your response.


“Interpreter of Maladies”

Prompt: In our daily conversations and interactions, we often hear what we want to hear or see what we want to see in order to suit our own needs or desires. As a result, misunderstandings and miscommunications are a part of our everyday lives. It may be a cliché, but everyone is different, and that often makes it challenging for us to see someone’s point of view on a topic. And while that can be annoying and frustrating, we usually figure out what another person means or at least intends. Or do we? “Interpreter of Maladies” seems to suggest the challenges, if not the impossibility, of fully understanding another human being. What do you think? Is it possible to truly and fully understand other people? Is it possible to fully understand yourself, to know who you are? Be sure to reference “Interpreter of Maladies” in your response.

“Everyday Use”

Prompt: How many times in your life have you heard, “wow, those people are really behind the times,” or “they need to start living in the 21st century”? Our society puts a great emphasis on forward progress: being up-to-date with current trends, technology, and ways of thinking. And, indeed, we cannot stop progress. Yet, think about the cost of fitting in and keeping up with the times, especially if people are prejudiced against you in the first place. Are there situations where it’s okay, even admirable, to live in the “past”, to live a simple life? Why or why not? Use “Everyday Use” to support your response.

“What You Pawn I Will Redeem”

Prompt: At some point in life, everyone will experience suffering and sadness. The most obvious response to such dark times is to agonize and dwell on the tragedy, whatever it may be. Some individuals, however, also respond to suffering with a lighthearted and humorous outlook, not out of disrespect, but as a way to be more optimistic (positive) about the world. Do you think humor can be meaningful or valuable during tragedies or suffering, or do you find it as a way to dodge reality, one’s real emotions? Be sure to include Sherman Alexie’s “What You Pawn I Will Redeem” in your response.

“Sonny’s Blues”

Prompt : Take a moment to reflect on the various art forms:  architecture, film, music, paintings, sculptures, drama, literature, etc. Too often we look for the immediate satisfaction we get from something to determine its value (see your astute observations on the 7th grade poems from the slam). Indeed, there’s a belief that art can do more than simply please us, or “wow” us in any given moment. Some believe that art can change our lives, the way we look at the world. On the other hand, many people say that art only helps us temporarily, in the moment we experience it. What do you think: does art have the ability to change your life? Who’s affected more: the artist or the audience? Can we even tell? Be sure to reference “Sonny’s Blues” in your response.

Important note on Conclusions for Presentation

Hello students! I've been really emphasizing this in class, but I just wanted to be sure you understand what the ultimate goal is with these presentations:

Your topics, in one way or another, are connected to this theme of outsiders, people who are alienated or feel like strangers or outcasts. Outsiders can be alienated from society (societal outsiders), from a smaller social group (like school or families) or culture, or even from themselves (identity crisis! Who am I? Who am I supposed to be?) OR  a COMBINATION!

Therefore, your conclusions MUST address how your topic tells us a specific idea (what's fascinating, unique, strange, depressing, universal, challenging, etc.) about outsiders and their experiences in life.

Monday, May 6, 2013

"Everyday Use" Prompt

PROMPT: How many times in your life have you heard, “wow, those people are really behind the times,” or “they need to start living in the 21st century”? Our society puts a great emphasis on forward progress: being up-to-date with current trends, technology, and ways of thinking. And, indeed, we cannot stop progress. Yet, think about the cost of fitting in and keeping up with the times, especially if people are prejudiced against you in the first place. Are there situations where it’s okay, even admirable, to live in the “past”, to live a simple life? Why or why not? Use “Everyday Use” to support your response.

Journal entry due Friday. (Follow the guidelines on the sheet handed out in class)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Passing notes

Because I know how much you like to talk to each other, you'll get to pass notes in class today... but, only for the sake of enriched literary analysis! (and it's fun. yes? no?)

Here's the dealio. You'll get a quote from Alice Walker's "Everyday Use" and question that asks you to interpret some aspect of it. You'll get about 4 minutes to form a response.

Then, you'll sign your name and fold your notes. I will collect them and distribute them randomly.

When responding, you have a few options:

1. If you interpreted the quote differently, share how you responded.

2. Make connections to the story to further illustrate their point.

3. Maybe something they wrote inspires a new idea. Share it, and include how it relates your peer's interpretation.

The goal here is to further the thinking! Do not simply write, "I agree." or "Good ideas." This is a conversation!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Link to "Mimi's in the Middle" and Homework

Prompt for “Mimis in the Middle”
People in tough situations find comfort in illusions or fantasies. Fantasies allow us to escape troubling realities. They provide us with a sense of control and perhaps help us reverse hopeless attitudes about the world or possibly ourselves. On the other hand, many people say illusions get in the way of facing reality, and reality, whether one likes it or not, is filled with consequences and life or death decision-making. What do you think about illusions/fantasies? Are they a good thing? Are they a bad thing? Explain. Be sure to reference “Mimis in the Middle,” by Domingo Martinez, in your response.
Here's a link to the story. You'll have to scroll down to ACT III. Click here.

Model for Journal Prompt and Presentation/Panel Discussion

People in tough situations find comfort in illusions or fantasies. Fantasies allow us to escape troubling realities. They provide us with a sense of control and perhaps help us reverse hopeless attitudes about the world or possibly ourselves. On the other hand, many people say illusions get in the way of facing reality, and reality, whether one likes it or not, is filled with consequences and life or death decision-making. What do you think about illusions/fantasies? Are they a good thing? Are they a bad thing? Explain. Be sure to reference “Mimis in the Middle,” by Domingo Martinez, in your response.

SAMPLE TOPIC FOR PRESENTATION: Focus on why and how outsiders try to adopt the dominant culture’s values.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Short Story Unit Assignments.

Assignments/grades throughout the course of this unit:
1. Weekly typed Journal entries
2. Passage analysis/Plot-based questions  (in class grade)
3.Presentation/Panel Discussion
4. Audience participation (in class grade)
5. A comparative essay (using 2-3 texts to make your point) that analyzes the nature of the outsider -OR- a podcast that explores the nature of the outsider (still using 2-3 texts)

Do NOT become overwhelmed by all of this. You must remember that, while it may seem like I'm giving you a lot all at once, these tasks will be spread out over the course of 5-6 weeks. Yep. So, don't freak out.