Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (Night section 6/7)


FREEWRITE: What is the most impactful, profound, take-away message from section 5? Elaborate on your reaction and why you feel it is important to draw attention to.

Create a list: What is lost at the concentration camp? (focus on physical, mental, emotional aspects)
8-3 wordle

8-1 wordle

Task: Using the handout on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, write a CLAIM about how a character's motivations (how they act) relate to one of Maslow's levels of needs (acting in a way to fulfill need, or acting in such a way because there's a lack of a particular need)
 -Support with textual EVIDENCE
 -EXPLAIN how your evidence supports your claim (elaborate on story details and how it relates to the description of the level you are focusing on)

Sample: In Night, Juliek, the Polish inmate, becomes fixated on his violin, even on the brink of death, because he is trying to achieve a sense of security and safety. Juliek, piled into the barracks with other virtually lifeless inmates, attempts to play one last song on his violin, what Elie describes as a "concert given before an audience of the dead and dying" (95). In this moment, Juliek is emaciated like the other Jews, yet has perhaps given up on food, shelter, water, and even air. Because he no longer recognizes those physiological needs, his motivation changes to focus on comfort and security: his violin playing. Therefore, Juliek playing a concerto in front of an audience hearkens back to a safer, more comforting time, allowing him to fulfill his needs.

HW: complete the book (section 8 and 9) by Friday. Have 2 clarification, 2 interpretation, 2 open-ended questions.

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