"The Hangman" by Maurice Ogden is a narrative poem: a poem that tells a story or recounts an event or situation.
A jigsaw activity allows us to study the many parts of something in an efficient manner. Groups will be specialists in the following areas:
1. Major Events Specialists- recount the narrative events in this poem in the order they occur.
2. Figurative Language Specialists- please identify moments of the passage where figurative language is used. Explore the effect it has on the piece.
3. Sound Device Specialists- You are responsible for finding several key moments of alliteration, consonance, and assonance. What ideas do they emphasize?
4. Inference Specialists (2 groups for this one)- Explain the significance or deeper meaning of particular sections. (focus on hangman's victims, his excuses, why the protests stop, the hangman's riddle, anything else you find that has interpretative value).
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