Because I know how much you like to talk to each other, you'll get to pass notes in class today... but, only for the sake of enriched literary analysis! (and it's fun. yes? no?)
Here's the dealio. You'll get a quote from Alice Walker's "Everyday Use" and question that asks you to interpret some aspect of it. You'll get about 4 minutes to form a response.
Then, you'll sign your name and fold your notes. I will collect them and distribute them randomly.
When responding, you have a few options:
1. If you interpreted the quote differently, share how you responded.
2. Make connections to the story to further illustrate their point.
3. Maybe something they wrote inspires a new idea. Share it, and include how it relates your peer's interpretation.
The goal here is to further the thinking! Do not simply write, "I agree." or "Good ideas." This is a conversation!