Here's the deal for the peer reviews:
1. Read through another review
2. Edit grammatical errors along the way: punctuation, spelling,
3. Note the length. Don't count, but does it seem like at least 500 words or does it seem a bit thin. Indicate your response.
4. On the back or wherever there is blank space, write summary comment that includes one positive and one negative. Things to consider: appropriate headline (the "what" with a clear opinion/tone), details, are opinions reasoned / logical or too emotional? is there enough detail? is the writing engaging--is this something you would continue reading if you weren't forced to? does the lead contain a clear angle? does the work seem more like a journal entry with no clear purpose (author avoids rambling)? is the review fair, or does it take a tone of arrogance, the author sounds like a "know-it-all"
5. Switch papers with anyone else
HW: Read your work in a one-foot voice. That means that you read it out loud so that a person a foot away could hear you. This will help you catch mistakes and determine if your work "flows." Please type the word count at the bottom of the page.
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