Monday, January 14, 2013

Essay Topic #2

One of your essay topics for Friday's midterm asks you to compare and contrast Mrs. Marroner ("Turned") and Mrs. Mortimer ("The Good Corn") and argue that either both characters react to their husbands' unfaithfulness appropriately, or that one character responds more appropriately than the other.

To prepare for this essay:
1. reread both stories
2. identify examples in the text that demonstrate the main ideas of feminism (focus on 3):
  a. gender roles
  b. isolation (what do you notice about the women when they're alone--do they demonstrate strength or weakness?)
  c. individualism (do women have express themselves in strong ways? are they depicted as independent?)
  d. who has power? (who's in charge)
  e. use of language (do women speak with fear and obedience, or freely/openly)

A thesis statement might look like this: By comparing and contrasting the feminist themes of gender roles, use of language, and individualism within "The Good Corn" and "Turned," it is possible to see how both Mrs. Marroner and Mrs. Mortimer react to their husbands' unfaithfulness appropriately.

---if this were your thesis statement, your body paragraphs would have to prove that both characters made the right decision depending on their particular situation.

-IREEC format required-examples are necessary, quotes are not. 

 **You can have some fun with this topic! You could argue either way, as long as you support your ideas with examples from the text.

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