Yesterday's blog was somewhat inaccurate. I will use it as a springboard for today's work!
We will be reading "Turned" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, but in a hip, new fashion.
I will read a passage. After each passage there will be the following options available.
1. Five Word Challenge
2. Detective Notes, with evidence
3. Question Master
4. Discussion
Rules for Vocab Duel:
1.While reading, you are going to write down words that are confusing to you
2. When the time comes you are going to exchange your list of confusing vocab with another group.
3. If you figure out the word only using context clues, you get 4 points.
4. If you need help from a dictionary, that is fine, but it is worth 2 points and the word must then be properly used in an original (group created) sentence.
Rules for Five Word Challenge:
1. Choose five words that best summarize the mood/tone of the passage.
2. Write 1 sentence that describes the mood/tone of the passage.
Rules for Detective Notes:
1. Answer the questions posed to you
2. Include quotes from the story to support your answer (evidence)
3. Explain the quotes
Question Master:
1. Come up with a question that involves making a prediction of some sort.
2. Pose that question to another group
Rules for Discussion:
1. All Groups will be given a question or a set of questions to think about and discuss.
2. Whole Class Discussion on responses
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