Here's the
Night essay requirements in case you misplaced the handout given in class:
Your task is to write a 5 paragraph essay on one of the following topics. Please note the following requirements:
-The paper must be typed, 12-pt. font, Times New Roman.
-The paper must include an MLA heading
-The paper must include page numbers
-The body paragraphs should be written in IREEC format
-The paper must include in-text citations and a work cited page
-You must have an introduction with a thesis statement
-You must have at least 3 body paragraphs
-You must write an engaging conclusion that pushes your thoughts in a new, exciting direction.
-You must thoroughly enjoy yourself while writing your masterpiece!
*Lucky for you, most of this assignment will be done in class.
Please Note: After each topic, I’ve included the type of writing you would be doing.
Expository is a type of writing where the purpose is to inform, explain, or describe.
Persuasive is a type of writing where the purpose is to convince your reader of a point of view.
Analytical is a type of writing where the purpose is to look closely at smaller parts of a text (symbols, theme, character interactions, irony, etc.) and explain how they contribute to the text’s meaning or message as a whole.
1. Loyalty in the midst of suffering: Analyze how loyalty to family and loved ones, to one’s faith and culture, and to oneself (optimism; hope for the future) are challenged in horrific and life-threatening situations. What does this reveal about human nature? Use specific events from the text to develop your analysis of loyalty. (Analytical)
2. One of the most tragic themes in Night is Eliezer's discovery of the way that atrocities and cruel treatment can make decent people into brutes. Does Elie himself escape this fate? Use specific events to convey your opinion (Persuasive)
3. Dehumanization is the process by which the Nazis reduced the Jews to little more than "things" which were a nuisance to them. Discuss how dehumanization occurred in Night (you can include events that occurred that dehumanized Eliezer, his father, or his fellow Jews) and how this helped Hitler achieve his ends. (Expository)
4. What does Elie’s use of symbolism in his memoir, Night, reveal about the Holocaust, his experiences during this period, or his experience of writing his story? Discuss symbolic representations of ‘night’ and “fire” providing examples from the text to support your arguments. Are there other symbols you see? What message, morals, or lessons about the Holocaust or human nature are demonstrated by Wiesel’s use of symbolism? (Analytical)